In an attempt to highlight the issues facing women in the light of fundamental rights and freedom, KADEM organized “Training in the Legal Rights of Women” to inform women of the legal regulations that make women’s lives easier. As a pilot scheme, KADEM began to provide training and education in specific districts of Istanbul at certain intervals. A total of 1,200 women obtained training in courses provided as part of the “Legal Rights of Women”, organized in 9 districts of Istanbul. It is intended that further training will be offered to 5,000 more women during 2014.
The province of Istanbul was chosen for a pilot scheme and periodic training began. As a pilot scheme, KADEM began to provide “Training in the Legal Rights of Women” in 17 districts of Istanbul, reaching out to a total of 2,000 women. It is intended that further training will be offered to 5,000 more women during 2014


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