Great Support from KADEM to Gaza: More Than 1 Million Hot Meals to Be Distributed

More than 1 million hot meals will be distributed as part of KADEM’s “Brotherly Share for Gaza” campaign.

Due to the genocide committed by the occupying terrorist state of Israel since October 7, KADEM launched the “Brotherly Share” campaign for displaced Gazans, sending support through the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) to ensure the distribution of more than 1 million hot meals.

Due to the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist occupying force Israel, over 50,000 children in Gaza are suffering from health issues related to acute malnutrition. In response, the Women and Democracy Foundation (KADEM) launched the “Brotherly Share for Gaza” campaign, ensuring the delivery of more than 1 million hot meals to the region. KADEM, which made donations to the Turkish Red Crescent’s soup kitchen in Gaza, continues its efforts without interruption. The organization has contributed to providing hot meals for 15,000 people daily, primarily women and children.

For the past 10 months, conflict victims displaced by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza are struggling to survive under the threat of hunger and death. In the region, where over 1 million people—half of the population—are on the brink of famine, the Turkish Red Crescent continues its soup kitchen operations in the city of Deir al-Balah despite all the challenges.

With KADEM’s support, the Turkish Red Crescent will provide hot meals for 15,000 people daily from its soup kitchen in Gaza for 76 days. Through this collaboration, a total of 1,140,000 hot meals will be distributed to conflict victims.

Gümrükçüoğlu: “We aim to provide at least a small measure of support to the Palestinian people.”

As the Chair of KADEM’s Board of Directors, Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu, stated that as a civil society organization, they launched the “Brotherly Share for Gaza” aid campaign across Türkiye with a spirit of solidarity and brotherhood. She added, “Life continues in Gaza despite everything.” Basic humanitarian needs such as food, clean water, and hygiene supplies must be delivered to the region. With the “Brotherly Share for Gaza” aid campaign, we have opened “charity bazaars” in Istanbul and in 55 cities where KADEM has representation. With the “Brotherly Share for Gaza” aid campaign, we have opened “charity bazaars” in Istanbul and in 55 cities where KADEM is represented. As part of the campaign, we also collected donations through the “Brotherly Share for Gaza” account. The proceeds from the bazaars and donations were used to provide food and hygiene supplies, which were transported by the Turkish Red Crescent’s aid ship from Mersin to Ariş Port, and then delivered overland to Gaza. We are distributing hot meals to over 1 million people in Gaza. “We aim to provide at least a small measure of support to the Palestinian people, who are struggling to survive amidst bombings, occupation, hunger, and thirst. I would like to thank the Turkish Red Crescent and especially its President, Prof. Dr. Fatma Meriç Yılmaz, for supporting this major campaign we launched across Türkiye and for facilitating the delivery of our aid to the region,” she said.

Kızılay President Yılmaz: “These supports remind us of the power of solidarity.”

Turkish Red Crescent President Prof. Dr. Fatma Meriç Yılmaz stated, “We are working to deliver more humanitarian aid to the victims of the conflict in Gaza. We are doing everything we can to support those affected by the situation. We have also collaborated with KADEM in this regard. Our soup kitchen-focused partnership is a meaningful step not only in providing hot meals to the people of Gaza but also in letting them feel that they are not alone. These supports also remind us of the power of humanity and solidarity. These supports also remind us of the power of humanity and solidarity. We thank KADEM’s Chair of the Board of Trustees, Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar, and the Board President, Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu, for initiating and leading this meaningful campaign,” she said.

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