Women on the Move

The objective of the project is to demonstrate the real problems and needs of women refugees, raise awareness about the legal rights of these refugees and regulations on these refugees, indicate the best practices in Europe and Turkey in the adaptation aspect and eliminate popular misperceptions about refugees. Therefore, under this project, ensuring exchange of experiences between the EU and Turkey is the most important tool to achieve these objectives.

Women on the Move I (2016-2018)

The partners of the project organized under the European Union and Republic of Turkey-Civil Society Dialogue IV Grant Scheme are the International Refugee Rights Association from Turkey and the Eurocultura Association from Italy. Under this 24-month project, activities were performed in Gaziantep and Istanbul. Under the project, refugee women were provided with training on human rights, as well as national and international legal regulations on migration. As project deliverables, the Syrian Women in Turkey: Socio-economic and Legal Problems Report was published and the documentary film “Ayrılık (Separation)”, telling the stories of women on the move, was broadcast.

Women on the Move II (2019-2020)

The partners of the 14-month project organized under the European Union and Republic of Turkey-Civil Society Dialogue IV Grant Scheme are Eurocultura from Italy and the UK's RETAS Association.

The objectives of the project are:

- Achieving experience-sharing and cooperation between TR and European CSOs by jointly developing social mediation techniques that can be used by project partners to alleviate the social tension between refugee and local groups, thus ensuring mutual understanding and social cohesion.

- Increasing the knowledge of refugee women about their legal rights, developing an awareness among them on what is violence against women (VAW) and what are the legal mechanisms available in case they are victims of such violence and increase their access to legal services,

- Increasing bilateral exchanges and cooperation between Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Turkey and the EU at the local, regional and national levels by informing them about funding opportunities provided by the EU.

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